

At home HIIT workout

Do you want to burn body fat, improve your endurance and tone your muscle without going to the gym? Then high intensity interval training or HIIT workouts may be the pick for you. High-intensity interval training is proven to be one of the most efficient type of cardio training. I honestly love it and truly believe it’s not just another fad. HIIT is a combination of high-intensity exercises such as mountain climbers, tuck jumps and low-intensity activities like walking or...

Product of the week: CoolXChange

Do you exercise, play sport or lift weights? Then you’ve probably experienced muscle soreness! To help you recover, my product of the week is the CoolXChange 2-in-1 Compression & Cooling Gel Bandage. When you hear the term R.I,C,E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) you probably think of an injury but did you know it’s an effective method for injury prevention as well as recovery? CoolXChange bandage assists with healing and prevention by reducing swelling and inflammation with cooling and compression therapy. Plus –...

The Ultimate Butt Blaster Workout

Want to get amazing glutes? Old school leg exercises like deadlifts, squats, and lunges create awesome results. However, it’s also important to change up your routine to keep yourself motivated. How do you get great glutes? Well, your butt is made out of muscle overlaid with body fat. It’s impossible to get a wide butt from weight training alone as muscles don’t grow sideways outside of your thighs. It’s why building the perfect butt requires dieting, cardio, weight training and stretching! Here’s my...

Morning sesh: What’s in my gym bag? 

Do you struggle to find time for the gym? With work, family, hobbies and other commitments it’s easy to forget about your health. On the other hand, did you know that working out can really help you keep a mental balance between all the things going on in your life. So, it’s super important to find some ‘you time’. Before you cringe at the thought of trying out a morning sesh, hear me out. Working out first thing in the...

Round 2: Summer HIIT workout

We’ve got a new Saturday tradition. Luckily for me, it helps me shape up for summer. Unlucky for my boyfriend, it involves cardio. Once again, we ventured off to the gym and tried another fast paced workout, otherwise knows as high intensity interval training or HIIT. (See last week’s workout here!) These intense HIIT workouts are proven to shed tons of calories in a short amount of time. Best of all, the workout keeps you alternating between exercises which keeps things...