Style Inspiration: Work Christmas Party

November 30, 2014

Hard to believe but it’s already that time of year! The office workload begins to slow down (or speed up!) and there’s one thing on everyone’s lips: the work Christmas Party. This is the perfect time to unwind, let go of the stresses over the past year and celebrate a great 2014 with a glass of champagne!
Whether you work in an office, a construction site or in a retail store the general expectation is to behave responsibly, don’t get too drunk and stick to appropriate attire around your colleagues and senior management. No, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to continue wearing your trousers and blazers but finding the middle ground can be challenging! Of course each team has a different outlook on what is deemed appropriate but my motto is ‘dress for the job you want to be in’, and as we all know a work function is a great opportunity for networking and getting to know your bosses!

To keep up your professional image and show off your fun and celebratory side check out the style inspirations below for your perfect Christmas Party outfit!